CLUB HOURS: Mon/Wed/Fri: 8am - 12 noon & Tue/Thu: 8am - 1pm
Club Hours During the 2018 Holiday Season
  updated Wednesday, December 19, 2018
  posted Wednesday, December 19, 2018
  filed in Announcements
  by Mike Livie

Felix Sun, the Progress facility owner, has graciously offered to open up the club for us on Christmas Day. So we will have pickleball on that day from 9 am - 12 noon.

Our club hours during the 2018 Holiday Season will be as follows:

  • Mon-Dec-24: 9 am - 1 pm
  • Tue-Dec-25: Closed (pending a volunteer to open)
  • Mon-Dec-31: 9 am - 1 pm
  • Tue-Jan-01: 9 am - 12 noon

The only day I will not be opening the club will be on Christmas Day (Tue-Dec-25). All other days we'll be open. This is reflected on our website's mini-calendar.

We can have a pickleball session on Christmas Day but we'll need a volunteer to open up the club. If you're interested, please email me, Mike Livie at

If a volunteer is available to open up the club, we'll update this web post and our mini-calendar to reflect that we're open on Christmas Day.

Friends and Affiliates
Li-Ning Sports Progress Badminton Pickleball365 Pickleball Association of Ontario Corner Bank Rude Monster
Pickleball Depot Pickleball Canada IPTPA International Federation of Pickleball Net Reliant
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