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Consider Joining the Pickleball Association of Ontario
  updated Monday, December 3, 2018
  posted Monday, December 3, 2018
  filed in Bulletin Board
  by Mike Livie

We are all playing Pickleball in Ontario because a group of people have worked very hard to open locations, train teachers, referees and generally promote the game.

These people give selflessly of their time to promote the game.

I am a great believer of supporting the people that support the game. I am a member of the:

  • Pickleball Association of Ontario (PAO)
  • Professional Pickleball Registry

These organizations all work on improving our game.

I hope those of you who have not joined the PAO will check out the poster below and consider supporting the PAO.

Click on the poster image for the full PDF poster

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Li-Ning Sports Progress Badminton Pickleball365 Pickleball Association of Ontario Corner Bank Rude Monster
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